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University Support Program


In 2022, Instituto Reciclar expanded its activities in a new field: the University Support Program. It aims to support young people trained by our Educational Program to continue their studies, enabling the access to excellent education and, thus, building opportunities for a prosperous professional career.

This pilar reiterates the Institute’s commitment to the productive inclusion of young people, working towards the increase of employability and income generation. We believe that access to education is fundamental to break the vulnerability cycle and for the integral formation of young people as citizens and changemakers.

For that matter, access to higher education is an important part of a student’s trajectory. To support our young people at this stage, Instituto Reciclar created a Scholarship Fund, which will offer non-refundable scholarships to finance tuition at private higher education institutions or pre-college preparatory courses, as well as assistance with permanence in public universities. The Scholarship Fund is financed via donations from individuals and companies that believe in this cause and help us make this project possible.


Three scholarship types are offered, all non-refundable: 1. Pre-university course + Financial aid; 2. University Course + Financial aid; 3. Financial aid for Public University students.


To apply for scholarships, you must meet the following conditions:
  • Have gone through the complete training course at Instituto Reciclar without failure;
  • Be between 18 and 25 years old;
  • Have reached 450 points in ENEM grades (national test that determine students’ preparedness for college) without scoring zero in the essay.


The University Support Program aims to promote the productive inclusion of young people. Thus, university courses eligible for funding must be in line with the matrix of areas used in our Educational Program and evaluated by the Institute’s team as having the greatest impact on employability and income generation.

We finance university courses in the following areas:

  • Architecture, Design and Creativity;
  • Beauty and Aesthetics;
  • Communication and Marketing;
  • Social development;
  • Electrical / Electronics;
  • Gastronomy and Food;
  • Management and Business;
  • Informatics – Technology;
  • Mechanics;
  • Chemistry;
  • Health;
  • Veterinary.


The beneficiaries of the University Support Program also have access to a Mentorship. Our mentoring activities aim to develop technical skills and soft skills focused on the field of work, supporting young people in their process of productive inclusion.



Avenida Presidente Altino, 973
Jaguaré – São Paulo, SP
05323-002 – Brazil




Service Hours
Monday to Friday:
8:00 am – 6:00 pm